Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Technology Implementation at Bead Company :: Computer Technology Business

Anyone who owns thither own contrast knows at that place is so much work and dedication involved. You have to be on the b either at all times to ensure each choice you make is going to damp you and your bloodline. With todays technology, there is so much of an opportunity to really learn how to excel you business nationwide. Having computers to help run your business is a great idea. This allows for you to connect better with other employees who may be rigid in different states. Meredith who is the render of form prohibit realized that she needed to make some updates to her beau monde in order for her to succeed. Bead Bar is a union who specializes in allowing customers to visit the store and they can create their own bead jewelry. The separate of this fantastic company is Meredith, which was started in 1998. Her very first store was located in New Canaan, Connecticut. Since then she has been able to really make her company grow. Today she now has three divisions whi ch are studios, franchises, and Bead Bar on Board. There are a total of six studios. These studios are responsible for(p) for oversees the companys six bead bar studios they have. The franchises sell astragalus supplies to the businesses that ask to open their own bead studio. The newest division is the Bead Bar on Board. This division is designed for cruise ships There is an average of 35 employees located at each store. The down fall for this company is they placid use paper based forms. This is hurting the company with trying to funding up with the demand in the product. They have even lost orders, had amiss(p) invoicing, and delays in fulfilling orders. With this company growing like it is, having a computer body set up is the best decision for the company. This is a presentation to how the Bead Bar could use a computer network to help there business excelOne of the first steps needed when startle your plan of bring in computers is how many and which ones. There are all types of computers out there, you want to ensure that you choose the best choice for your company. You want to count the number of employees that will need a computer, also hold some back ups in case you rent additional employees or there are technical issues with another.

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